You’ve heard it a thousand times - wash your hands. We hear this repeatedly for a reason, as it is a simple way to prevent catching and spreading the virus. For even better results, hand-washing should last at least 20 seconds. The science as to why soap works is quite simple.
First, let's look at the structure of the virus.
SARS-CoV-2 has an envelope of phospholipids and a shell of proteins that give it it’s spherical shape. A protein shell is common for viruses, but the phospholipids are what allow soap to break it apart. Phospholipids create a bilayer that have both hydrophobic (does not like water) and hydrophilic (likes water) properties which allow for selective permeability, or the ability for some substances to enter the cell easier than others.
Next, what is soap?
We all use soap to clean our hands, dishes, and more, and it is so common that we most likely do not think about its make-up. Soap consists of oils and fatty acids. Fats are a subgroup of lipids, much like phospholipids. Because of this, soap also contains hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties.
So, how does soap clean?
Germs on our hands are kept there by oil and grease. When soap and water mix, the hydrophilic part of soap attracts to the water while the hydrophobic part attracts to the oils in the soap. Together, this mechanism allows the germs in our hands to be wiped away. Particularly with the coronavirus, its phospholipid bilayer means that part of the soap is wedging its way between the envelope and the shell. As a result, the soap starts to pry off the protein shell and envelope and thus the structure of the virus is destroyed from the outside.
Constantly using soap, or even hand sanitizer, is sure to dry out your hands. Investing in a hand lotion, particularly unscented or oatmeal-based lotion if there is cracking, is a good way to ensure your hands do not start to burn or itch.
I hope this blog has made it a little easier to understand why the importance of washing your hands is so emphasized. As always, the comment section is open for feedback. Leave a comment down below letting us know what safety measures you are taking to help keep you safe!
