Hey guys, my name is Nicole Coca. Currently, I am a pre-med sophomore at Florida State University and my major is Exercise Physiology. In addition, I am one of the founders of Pre-Med Ahead and my individual goal is to provide a comprehensive “guide” of advice from a current pre-med student that I wish someone would have done for me when I decided to be pre-med.
My career goal as of this moment is to become a general surgeon and do a fellowship in Cardiovascular Surgery. I am currently involved with my University’s honors program and while I am not directly involved with any campus organizations yet, I can offer the perspective of an Honors pre-med student and all the expectations I am required to meet. Also, I am very interested in research and since my freshman fall semester, I have been working in a research lab. I hope to join on-campus medical and non-medical organizations in my upcoming semesters.
What I hope to make of this website and support system is to be a source of information and real-life experience of the reality of a pre-med student. As I said earlier, I want this website and myself to be a resource for fellow pre-med students to use to guide themselves in the next four years. Four years may seem like a long time to prepare for medical school but in reality it flashes by and this website specifically is not meant to guide your life or control you but to give another opinion and more information on questions that my co-founders and I wish we would’ve had answers to.
Thank you, I hope you can use this website and its resources to your aid! Please send me any questions that you have, I am looking forward to answer each and every question!
Nicole M. Coca :)
Please follow @premedahead to stay up to date with all our posts!
